My New YouTube Channel

Hi everyone, as I’ve spoken about in the past I have finally created a channel, under the same name “Cancer Won’t Run My Life” and so far have included videos from past adventures. Some I have written about, but most for now are past trips. Filming yourself while out during a solo adventure I can assure you is not easy work. I hope you all enjoy this new content feature and bear with me as I learn the editing process, I enjoy bringing my thoughts and feeling to my readers in this blog. Now let me show you as well and if you’d like subscribe to the YouTube channel, leave a comment, like it and leave constructive comments also so I can continue to improve. The Link is

The blog will continue of coarse and I’m sorry for the lack of content lately, we were away on a small vacation and received some very bad news. This coincides with the gap between posts, I wanted to finish off Part 3 of my fall Algonquin trip (for which there will be also a video). Something else much more important has come up and will be published soon as I grapple with the way I want to write this next and very important post, one that is very difficult to find the words to describe. Bear with me lots more to come. Love Steve

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