Attempting the Benefits of Water Fasting as a Cancer Patient

Today of course of all the day I wake with an immediate hungry on, my plan today was to start a 24 to 72 hours fast, yes one to three long days. Realizing that three days could be a stretch my main goal is somewhere in the middle. My only substance for the first 24 will be water, then later adding minerals and some electrolytes as to not completely deplete myself and end up blacking out, hitting the floor, not where I want to go with this. I’m a 6’3″ guy and still weigh in around only 180. I consider my thin, but fit and reasonably strong for my frame, so by no way is this some kind of weigh loss challenge.

Then why?

Over the past week weeks leading up to my once a day blog challenge I came across some videos about three day fasting and the health benefits, so I took a more detailed approach and did some more digging to see what I come come up with. What interested me most was this is how our very ancient ancestors would have to live, hunting and gathering, sometimes chasing prey down for days in order to secure a meal. Now if I feel a rumbling in my stomach all I need to do is get my ass off the couch, or I real dire needs head to the grocery store or restaurant where my food is prepared…what I tough life! So, with that in the back of my mind and honestly the fact that lately when I go out to eat I end up with gut problems, this fasting, say lifestyle has peeked my interest for a while now. There seems to no better time to give it a try with Christmas just a short distance away. It’s also a test of my will-power as well, I believe I’m pretty strong willed, but this will push the boundaries and with chilli brewing in the background, hmmm.

The Main Reason, Health Benefits

Like I said weight is the opposite reason I’m doing this, as I could stand to probably add some, that being said it’s all this processed food we have in our diets now-a-days that cause all these problems from, inflammation, reduced immune response all the way to causing the rapid growth of cancer, obesity, diabetes and the list goes on and on. In Canada here where the cost of living is now forcing most of the population to buy less nutritious food, what do we do? And I have no answer the that, living on a budget makes these decisions very difficult, we do fine for now so I’m blessed for that and I also have some friends who are excellent cooks and I have no shame in popping by for a meal. lol. In point form this is what I’m looking for in the first 24 hours.

  • Clean the Brain and Reset Energy
  • start to improve my immune function
  • Remove dysfunctional cells and pathogens
  • Reduce inflammation
  • See the benefits of new gut flora
  • Increase DNA repair

Reading all those you can see how it would benefit me being a cancer patient, every single one of those is somehow a link or a possible cause of not only getting this disease, but allowing it free range to destroy my (your) body. I’m now in about my 14th hour so according to doctors I should be at the beginning of a few changes starting in body such as.

  • Decreasing Glycogen and Glucose levels
  • Four Hormones should rise including, Glucagon , HGH, Cortisol and Adrenaline
  • Keytones from fat should rise and well as my hunger
  • Insulin levels should drop.

Ending the post on this note, I know this won’t be a magic cure, but putting your body in an uncomfortable environment interests me a lot. I hope at the end of this to provide some feedback to anyone who has thought of attempting it. I hope this is a topic of interest and look forward to your comments. Day 2 of the fast update will come tomorrow, as long as I haven’t killed anyone, lol….kidding! Cheers, Steve. I have included a few pictures of the before and will follow with the end result, however far we get.

5 thoughts on “Attempting the Benefits of Water Fasting as a Cancer Patient

  1. As a diabetic, fasting isn’t an option for me, but I’m interested in how it turns out for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes many people have said that, I’m just about to write another post now. I failed, lol, I managed to do about 57 hours then the smell of the roast got to me!


    1. Hey there your entire comment didn’t come through, I need to get a hold of WordPress to see what’s up. It’s been happening a lot.


      1. I decided to try this alternative to let you know wh

        Liked by 1 person

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