Fasting, Day # 2

I was up early this morning, I’m sure it had to do with that rumble in in stomach. I decided to get up and go out for a quick walk in the crisp air after filling up on water first thing to try and curb a bit of that appetite. Mission not accomplished. As I start this blog it’s about 9:30 am, so Im close to 33 hours in, almost halfway. I feel a little foggy this morning and while my energy levels aren’t at there highest it really isn’t that bad, feels more like a mental stressor than anything physical right now. The one thing I do notice the most is there is no bloating in my abdomen and although I’m a thin guy, the type of cancer I have does cause me some severe bloating and cramping most mornings and I’m typically a night time snacking type guy, but since I run at night I figure I owe myself a treat when completed that could be a cause of the morning bloat.

As for the mental sharpness, last night reading seemed to come easier and I felt that the material I was reading was more readily absorbed and found myself less often going back to re-read some important parts I felt I missed. However this morning the clarity is not there, the feelings of a haze or looking at myself, instead of being myself. Difficult to put into words, I will go and meditate shortly and continue to fill myself with water in hopes the clarity comes back. Yesterday afternoon I also had I Reiki treatment and the practitioner had told that I took very well to the therapy, whole body Reiki is what I believe it’s called and was told that doesn’t happen all the time. So I had a whole body healing, which could be why I felt pretty sharp last night.

Sleep also came pretty easy, which to be honest I really don’t struggle that badly with on a regular basis getting generally about seven to nine hours of rest most nights. I think this hazy, depleted feeling I have right now is when the body is depleted of glucose and is now looking to turn fat into energy. Since my regular, while not being high carb diet does get a lot of fuel from that especially for jogging. This is my morning portion of the post, I’m waiting to see what happens over the next few hours and if energy levels return (which in everything I’ve read they should). Be back this afternoon to finish and In case you’re wondering, no. I haven’t cheated.

Not Very Fair or Cool

Alright, so a few hours have passed since I started the post and besides being a little hangry, I’ve so far been able to keep to my word. Although as you see in the picture posted someone is trying to torture me, yes that’s a beef roast probably one of one favourite meals. But I am a man of conviction (or stupidity) or thats what I tell myself. Today was also massage day, one of the perks of living on the back of a wife run spa (I do pay). Oh, the sweet smell of seasoned meat is in the air and putting me to the test. I read that by the second day the fast becomes easier, I call bull shit on that. Trying to keep busy by meditating, reading, general housework and going through some video from camping trips is how I’m attempting to pass the time. Oh, and booking a trip t Mexico helped ease the stress as well, lol. I can also start to feel a bit of a shift in my body, where I think my blood sugar is levelling out and stabilizing causing that faint feeling or light headedness to start to fade.

I’ve still been able to do a mild workout this morning including stretching, body weight exercises, so my strength hasn’t decreased and I’m still debating whether to go for a light afternoon – early evening jog. Tonight is also pickle ball night so I’ll need to leave some energy for that. One thing for sure I’m starting feel some affects from this I’m not overly hungry if anything this will amplify the importance of the right nutrition my body needs and also lets me know that human body is definitely a marvel being able to quickly adapt to various stressors put on it. Yes, the price of food here now in Canada is way out of control and something needs to be done, but just trying this fasting for the first time in my life makes me realize how lucky we are to have food so readily available, also how much cheap, shitty food is pushed on us. For me this is a small glimpse into what many people have no choice in their lives to do and for them it’s not called fasting, it’s called life or starvation. Something no human should have to endure.

1 thought on “Fasting, Day # 2

  1. ❤️ lol sorry need to feed your boys

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