Starting off the New Year Travelling

Hola from Mexico where I have started off the New Year and to be honest with you with the time change here and the 4 a.m. wake up time I didn’t even make it until midnight, oh well. This post may be a bit shorter as I am travelling light and left my laptop at home and am using my phone only, so for me this is a challenge to type on. Like I said I left on December 31 flight at 7 a.m. and regardless how much I closed my eyes on the plane rest was difficult to come by. The flight itself was smooth and landing on time and unbeknownst to me time rolled back an hour. Through customs and out of the airport dodging pushy taxi drivers I crossed a walkway over the highway and the first bus that rolled up had Punta Mito written on it, so I rolled the dice and jumped on, my data was slow and unstable, I crossed my fingers it was heading the correct way. Felt some anxiety start to creep up, took a few deep breaths and reminded myself was going to be ok, even after passing through some rough looking neighbourhoods. After an hour I spied the Punta de Mita sign and instantly relaxed. Hopped off the bus then had to navigate some busted up roads, more than a few stray dogs and chickens and find my hostel for the next three days.

The hostel was run by some very friendly and helpful local that made the stay very enjoyable. At fifty I wasn’t sure how sleeping in a dorm off five bunk beds would suit me. Turns out after being pretty full on the first night, by the third I was the only one left in the room, weird? The place had a shared kitchen space and a great rooftop patio, where I spent most of my nights. It was very clean and I also met some nice people who I hung out with for a night, then another group and I went to the beach for an afternoon. Learning to live out of my comfort zone is not always easy, but meeting relaxed and chill people makes the process much easier. I watched them surf for the afternoon and hit the water for a quick swim. The whole time I was there the surf was some of the roughest the locals had seen it and never surfed in my life I was happy just to watch.

Punta de Mita is a nice quiet beach town with a very relaxed feel and nice beaches, but unless you’re a surfer it’s easy to run out of things to do. Three days was long enough for me there and throughly enjoyed it,

As I type this I have taken el autobus to another small beachside town called Sayulita. Oh, almost forgot the bus ride from the airport to Punta de Mita was 2 bucks and I paid about the same today. This hostel I’m at now appears even nicer with a bar (trouble) and swimming pool and once again a very relaxed feeling, but I can tell there’s more people here. More on this place in my next post.

So here ends my first post of 2024, I hope you all continue to follow my journey as I refuse to let cancer dictate how I life my life. The goal for this year is to travel more and bring you along and to further myself even more out of my comfort zone. Even when Spring rolls in my camping trips will become even more remote and challenging and I plan to bring my camera along for the journey, so follow along there on my YouTube channel for much more content and of course never forgetting where this all began, right here on my blog. I wish you all the best in 2024 and invite you follow along and challenge yourself as well, we only live once. Happy New Year’s and safe travel to everyone.

5 thoughts on “Starting off the New Year Travelling

  1. Safe travels

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Safe travels. Enjoy

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve, I simply love how you flow out of your comfort zone. It’s both impressive and inspiring! I will use your adventures as a reminder to me to do more of this!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Have fun and stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

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