Exploring Mexico with Friends: Heartwarming Travel Tale | Cancer Survivor’s Journey

Before I get back to my travels I need to take a minute here to thank everyone who has stopped by the site over the last few days via the Canadian Cancer Society story that was published on their website. After being the Participant of Hope speaker at what was now the last Relay for Life in Stratford, their story centre department reached out to me and asked if I’d do an interview for a story they could use. As you all. may know by now I’m not one to shy away from telling my story I was more than happy to oblige. I still am truly, I’m not sure if the right word is amazed, but also blow away by the response that I receive. At last I checked the Facebook post had close to 1000 reactions, likes I’d guess you’d say and quite a few shares along with many comment and I do try to respond to them all in time. It’s not always easy and sometimes exhausting just to re-tell my journey, but it has become part of my identity now and something I embrace in hopes that others find that hope that they so desperately need, whether you have cancer or not. Now as I sit here and yes I’m still waiting on my latest scan results, we’ll get back to something fun. The continuation of my trek through parts of Mexico, as travel has become part of the healing and hope process.

So, picking up where I left off. I’m at my hostel in Playa de Carmen once again the sun is out and I’ve made myself comfortable after breakfast sitting amongst the pillows and catching up on some journaling while I wait for my friends bus to arrive. Travelling solo is a lot of fun and can be very empowering knowing you’re doing this yourself, but it can get a little lonely sometimes as well. This hostel, while it’s clean, comfortable and friendly doesn’t have that same vibe as others, where people gather, talk and eventually go do something together, maybe it’s because there’s no pool or rooftop to hang out at, but anyways it’s no worries today I’ll have company.

My friend (Rachelle) texts me to let me know that the bus her and Jay are on has just turned off the highway and is heading for the terminal. I grab my water bottle and head out into the heat and walk to meet them. Down on 5th Ave at the bus depot it’s busy, but I find them easily and after a quick exchange of “good to see yas!” We head toward where they have booked their suite (loft). We grab some lunch from a cheap, but good restaurant no beers at this place though. Which is not a problem in spots around Mexico, Jay just runs across the road grabs a six pack and returns to the table, the waiter even put some in the fridge for us. “Can you imagine doing this back in Canada?” Is said with a chuckle, mind you the six beers is about $8 CAD, so cheap. After lunch we continued on the way to go find their accommodations, which turned out to be only a ten minute walk north from where I was staying, convenient. We spent the rest of the day walking the streets and beach area checking out local spots and eating at some of the more authentic type restaurants or street carts parked on just about every block. It was great to have some company for a change and after a long day of travel for them and maybe a few drinks we called it a night and headed in for the evening knowing we had some fun ahead of us.

Over the next few days we spent the majority of the time finding hidden local gems to try out some great food, lounging on the beach and just basically walking around the city. We stumbled upon a very small Mayan Ruin area mainly by accident and after maybe a few beers, I told you all before I have friends that are bad influences. Haha, I tend to throw Rachelle under the bus for my own actions sometimes, when she is honestly one of the best friends I’ve ever had and I was so happy when she told me Jay and her her coming down around the same time I was there. We spent time at their Air BNB as they had a real nice rooftop pool and balcony to enjoy the sun and warm weather. On one of the days we decided to head over to Cozumel by way of the ferry, which I believe was $25 USD, return. On a side note here I have to mention the public washrooms around Mexico, Jay was blown away by the fact a lot don’t have toilet seats and others also require a small fee of about 10 Peso to use, or get toilet paper. I was already used to this as a lot of my hostels didn’t have seats or the seats weren’t always bolted down the best, it’s just one of those things to get used to. So do some squats before heading down cause you’re gonna have to hover. Back to the ferry, now before boarding we rented a “buggy” to get around on the island and although it seems a little sketchy to do so, your hoping one will actually be waiting for you, some companies are legit and we found one. After the half and hour boat ride we were on the island and located the ride, what qualifies for a buggy there is a small car with the roof chopped off and questionable safety regulations, so lucky for us Rachelle drove. After a short stop at a free Tequila tasting spot (they didn’t give us much) we enjoyed a lunch on the far shore of the island with a beautiful view of the sea. Beside us was an actual nude beach and in the bushes, a horny zone, nobody there besides two nudists way down the beach and way too rocky for me anyway. We drove around the island only to find the other bars either out of power or closed down early, so we headed back to the car rental place to return this classic automobile. Grabbing a quick bite and drink to some live music was our last stop before we had to grab the last ferry leaving and head back to the mainland, it was a fun day.

Just like all good things they have to come to an end and after six great days of sun, beach, food and beers my friends had to be on their way back to the airport and head home. It’s amazing just how fast days go by and even faster when you’re in the company of people that mean a lot to you. Good friends are sometimes hard to find, great friends are like diamonds, they add that sparkle and value to your life. I have known Rachelle now for 30 plus years and is one of favourite people and hanging out with her and Jay for the six days was one of the highlights of my trip. One of those time where the mental pictures are burnt into my memories. I was sad to see them go, but still had half my trip to go and after taking a quit rest day at the hostel, drying out basically by watching some Netflix and enjoying my book. I woke the next day ready to go, packed, showered and ready to head further south, destination Tulum.

Thanks to everyone following along and if you’re new to my blog please consider subscribing or leave a comment I enjoy writing about my journey, travels and life now with no plans on stage 4 cancer dictating how I live.

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